Labels for Humans.
Metas Managed Label Services is a scrappy team of engineers, quants, and printing professionals who decided their industry was ripe for a serious disruption. They’ve designed some truly innovative tech and service offerings which promise to do to the label printing industry what Xerox did to the conventional printing industry 40 years ago. It’s a big deal.
A few months ago, they were gearing up to go to market. But they knew they had a problem: what they do is complicated, and when they talked about it, it certainly felt complicated. Amazing technical minds doing amazing technical things, sure; but they knew if they were going to share their story, it needed to be simplified.
What they needed was a whole new branding and go-to-market strategy. They came to Gorilla and asked us, “do you do that?”
“As a matter of fact,” we said, “we do.”
Step one was helping them understand what a brand is. A brand is (or should be) a meaningful set of experiences that invite audiences into a reciprocal relationship. This encompasses more than just logos and designs, of course, and includes a whole series of strategic encounters in language, events, conversation, and reputation, all of which contain (or should) a reflection of truly a human core, a truly human reason for doing what you do.
It may seem like an idealistic stretch to think a label brand has a deep human core, but here’s the reality: when we ran the Metas team through our brand discovery process, we found the label industry to be a landscape of remarkable adventure, potential, creativity, and exploration. We also discovered that Metas was, in fact, the chief explorer in that space, an explorer that had discovered a means to help business owners recover the tremendous value they wasted when they printed “labels as usual.” In daring to reimagine their own industry, Metas developed a level of value with the potential to disrupt any industry that uses labels. And that, friends, is damn near every industry.
It’s pretty cool, once you get into it, and if you’re interested, we’ll leave it to Metas to give you the deets. But suffice to say here that Gorilla was able to provide Metas with an exciting new brand identity, a set of artifacts, logos, and positioning statements that embody that brand, and a go-to-market strategy and campaign that will roll out, alongside their new brand, later in 2019. (Turns out, gang, the (label) revolution may in fact be televised.)
The folks are Metas are hella smart, and our branding partnership with them is one we continue to cherish. As with everything we do, it’s a chance to explore the fascinating world of human creativity, and in doing so, to help others, and ourselves, be just a little more human.
If you’re interested in our branding and strategic services, or any of our other humanity-augmenting superpowers, hit us up. We’ll bring the labels.