
Project 1

For ArtPrize

Imagination + Pressure = Art.

How do you show the world something that doesn’t exist? That question was faced by ArtPrize when introducing the new iteration of their international art competition — a yet-to-exist event called Project 1. So they came to us for help. The complication? We only had ten days to develop and produce it.

Our response: a chiaroscuro magic-dance choreographed by director Jason Baker and performed by a couple of gallons of India Ink. 

Find out more about Project 1 here.


Behind The Scenes

The production design team used air blasts and color inversion to create the film’s in-camera effects. The technique was intentionally unpredictable, generating blooms of beautiful, unrepeatable patterns made consistent only by the constraints of the medium.

Jason Baker

DirectorView Work

Valerie Martinez


CinematographerJeff Sukes

ArtistLoralee Grace

ComposerGrant Floering

Editor Jake Maxwell